Matt 18:19-20

To say it another way, if two of you on earth agree on anything you pray for, my Father in heaven will do what you ask. Yes, if two or three people are together believing in me, I am there with them.” Matt 18:19-20

“Pleased to discuss?!” – there is no discussion on this blog or in the “church.” Dialog is required for discussion. Yet dialog is abhorred. Dialog is avoided and mostly prohibited. This blog could be demanded closed at any moment under threat of dismemberment (excommunication). Comments can be added to this blog by anyone. However, no one cares because everything is delegated to the clergy. Those who care are terrified of retaliation. A staff member mentioned an official blog has been “discussed.” Don’t ever expect to see real dialog on an official blog, nonetheless the blog itself.

Webster’s 1828

DISCUSS, v.t. [L.] Literally, to drive; to beat or to shake in pieces; to separate by beating or shaking.

2. To debate; to agitate by argument; to clear of objections and difficulties, with a view to find or illustrate truth; to sift; to examine by disputation; to ventilate; to reason on, for the purpose of separating truth from falsehood. We discuss a subject, a point, a problem, a question, the propriety, expedience or justice of a measure, &c.

God’s help is needed for all tasks. Why are our prayers not working?

The question assumes truth. By definition, prayer does what God intended it to do. The human perspective is treating God like a vending machine. Money in and product out. Prayer in and blessings out. There is mystery in prayer to preclude the vending machine mentality. God knows what we need before we ask yet He asks us to pray anyway. We must, by definition, pray according to God’s will because we cannot thwart the will of God. We are predestined because God knows the future. He reveals very little of the future. Therefore, His future answers to prayer are unknown to us. Imagine a god who responds to prayer: “I feel your pain, but I don’t know how this is going to turn out.” An entire theology is based on this mentality (Open Theism,

National Day of Prayer – come to the BUILDING?! It’s all about the building. The scripture read today in Matt 6 says GO TO YOUR ROOM. Why would there be such a disconnect between scripture and direction?  The Bible doesn’t matter. Power matters. When power speaks it demands obedience.

Mat 6:6 But when you pray, you should go into your room and close the door. Then pray to your Father. He is there in that private place. He can see what is done in private, and he will reward you.

Like with most scripture Matt 18:19-20 is incomplete. If two agree on ANYTHING, God will do it? Two pray for Trump and two pray for Hillary. Only ONE will be president. Therefore, God’s will is absolutely primary, not what we agree on. Matt 18:19-20 was directed to the Apostles. Did they agree on everything?  Did God only do what they agreed upon and asked in prayer?  (The Apostles and Disciples Had Major Disagreements and Made Mistakes,

God is with two or three people believing in Him. Here is corporate worship and prayer. Listening to a Bible study for an hour and attending a corporate worship service isn’t the standard for being in God’s presence.

Child gets sick and God doesn’t answer because of sin?! Same thing was told to Job. It was wrong then and it’s wrong now. It’s called name it claim it theology. So every illness, every funeral is a result of personal sin? All creation groans from the consequences of sin. Yet every illness, every funeral is NOT a direct result of personal sin. Didn’t hear a THING about sin at the funeral last week. What was wrong with this woman who could have prayed for healing but her prayers were blocked because of her personal sin!? What about all the people who prayed for her?  Their prayers were blocked due to sin?!  Ok, maybe some prayers are blocked by sin.  Other prayers are blocked because they do not align with God’s will.  But … if two agree … God WILL do what they ask.  Or not. It’s all about God, not the person praying.  You say “the prayers of a righteous man availeth much?”  James 5:16  But then none are righteous, no not one.  Rom 3:10  So we pray in the name of Jesus.  That’s the mystery of prayer.  No one really knows what makes prayer “work” or even understand what that means!

This “teaching” should disturb everyone.  But it doesn’t matter. Because there is no discussion in search of truth. No one cares and no one will speak because they desire and demand the flattery of serving “inside the walls” controlled by the one with power to terminate ministry.  There shall be no questions, discussion, or disagreement.  You get five minutes every two months to speak before the congregation with NO dialog.  A motion with a second is required for dialog.  No one is willing to second a motion that might even appear to disagree with the clergy.

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